For the 1st time i walked past Donut Factory since eternity, the queue is short ie. < 10 ppl. In fact it was only about 6 or 7. I was overjoyed and decided to try their donuts for the first time. My bf suggested buying ONE donut since i was apparantly full. However we were amazed when a staff came by to size up our orders and everyone ordered the max of 2 dozens. I think i'm too embarressed to say "1 donut pls", so i decided to get half a dozen instead - which was fortunate. Cos they were so delicious!

Clockwise from top: Choco Mocha, Apple Cinnamon, Orange White Choco, Blueberry, Coffee Almond, Herb Cheese.
In order of yumminess: Herb Cheese, Apple Cinnamon, Coffee Almond, Orange White Choco, Blueberry, Choco Mocha ( the choco is great but the mocha is way TOO much and too sweet).
Next time i'll buy a dozen of Herb Cheese - the 1st savoury donut i ever tasted! Yum!

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